Elijah The Tishbite

Elijah The Tishbite

Elijah was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed"
It is significant that James, by divine inspiration should highlight the passionate element in Elijah's character. Is there in the record of Scripture an example of a more emotionally charged man than Elijah? He had the zeal of Jehu, the vigour of Samson, and the fiery patriotism of James and John, the sons of thunder. His strong feelings are reflected in his abrupt, almost rude statements to friend and enemy alike. To the widow of Zarephath, bereaved at the death of her only child, he stated bluntly ". . . .
Author: John Martin
Publisher: CSSS
Date Published: 12/11/2002
Product Code: OT111705
Cover: Soft Cover
Pages: 101
Size: 6" x 8½"
Year: 1985
Drawer: 97
Elijah The Tishbite
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