That They May Be One

That They May Be One

Seeking Unity in a Divided (and Divisive) Brotherhood

George Booker has almost 60 years of experience as a Christadelphian, with membership in, and exposure to, several different fellowships, as well as various subsets within each group. Along the way, he has observed how ecclesias work, and also how they don’t work — in other words, what keeps ecclesias together, and what drives them apart.

He has worked for years to produce a statement of faith which is based upon analysis of the preaching of Christ’s apostles — with the object of answering the questions: “Which Bible principles are essential for salvation? And which are secondary and thus non-essential? And how do we distinguish between the two?”

Again, with guidance from Christ and the apostles again, and with reference to our “Ecclesial Guide”, he has also pointed the way to what is perhaps the most important single teaching in the Bible: that is, What does it mean to love one another? This is why his previous books have been characterized as “a Christadelphian classic” (Alan Eyre, The Caribbean Pioneer) and “what the brotherhood has needed for a very long time” (Reg Carr, The Testimony).

Author: George Booker
Publisher: Tidings
ISBN: 978-1922716026
Date Published: 10/19/2024
Product Code:
Cover: soft cover
Pages: 477
Size: 7.5 x 9.75
Year: 2024
That They May Be One
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