The Song of Moses

The Song of Moses

Deuteronomy 32

Exposition of the Song of Moses in Deuteronomy 32. The Song of Moses is more than a song - it is a detailed prophecy of the history of God's people of Israel, commencing before Israel ever existed as a nation, and reaching out into the future, when Israel will be restored as the Kingdom of God on the earth. The Song traces key incidents in Israel's history, including their creation as a nation, the wilderness wanderings, the periods of the Judges and the Kings, Israel's destruction in AD70, and Israel's future restoration. This book explains how that before Israel is restored there remains a future time of trouble, which will be the prelude to the appearance of Jesus Christ in the earth as Israel's Messiah. The Song of Moses outlines how that Israel's overthrow at the hands of the Romans in AD70 has brought opportunity for the Gentiles to be incorporated into God's plan of salvation

Author: Mark Allfree
Publisher: Lulu
Date Published: 10/12/2024
Product Code:
Cover: soft cover
Pages: 152
Size: 5.83 x 8.25
Year: 2024
The Song of Moses
$16.00 ea qty
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