The Dragon of Peakay

The Dragon of Peakay

"Go outside and chase dragons or something!" James and Ron thought chasing dragons was a great idea, but then it turned into something much more real. Ron and James are the Chosen Twins. Will they be able to save the Kingdom of Peakay from the ravages of an evil dragon? What dangers and adventures will they have on the way? And how could a giant ball of slobber help? Join the twins and find out the answers in The Dragon of Peakay.

Author: Robert Prins
Publisher: Lulu
ISBN: 9781922716071
Date Published: 1/21/2024
Product Code:
Cover: Soft cover
Pages: 200
Size: 5.75 x 8.25
Year: 2022
Drawer: 129
The Dragon of Peakay
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