Vox Dei - The Voice of God - Used Book

Vox Dei - The Voice of God - Used Book

Used Book Condition - Good occaisional pencil marks in Margin
Presenting the real case for THE BIBLE and explaining the obstinacy of the stalwarts who know all than can be urged against the Bible far better than some of the critics, but who remain absolutely convinced that it is the WORD OF GOD
Currently out of print.
See title under used books, etc

A Defense of Simple Faith

The Jews as God's witnesses
The Resurrection of Christ
The "Rude" arguments
Author: Islip Collyer
Publisher: Christadelphian Office
ISBN: 0 85189 031 8
Date Published: 11/19/2023
Product Code: UB929
Cover: Soft
Pages: 146
Size: 5.25" x 7"
Year: 2001
Drawer: FLA
Vox Dei - The Voice of God - Used Book
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