Prophecy of Zephaniah

Prophecy of Zephaniah

The prophecy of Zephaniah is probably not a section of the scriptures that occupies our attention a great deal. In our English Bible it consists of three short chapters, comprising a total of only fifty three verses. There are no major New Testament quotations from Zephaniah’s prophecy. Yet for all its brevity it is no less the word of God. We discover that Zephaniah is not just an obscure prophecy, dealing with certain specific events pertaining to the kingdom of Judah in the days of king Josiah. His prophecy has a much wider scope – he speaks of the time when apostasy will be eradicated from the whole earth, and the scattering of the nations that took place at Babel in Genesis 11 as a result of the work of Nimrod will eventually be reversed, resulting in all nations of the earth being united and reconciled to God. This is really the substance of Zephaniah’s message.

Author: Mark Allfree
Publisher: Bible Study Publications
ISBN: 9780244359287
Date Published: 8/31/2023
Product Code:
Cover: Soft cover
Pages: 126
Size: 5.75 x 8.25
Year: 2018
Drawer: 55
Prophecy of Zephaniah
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