Show me Thy glory

Show me Thy glory

An exposition to the use of Exodus 34:5-7 in all the Scriptures

The material presented to the reader in this book has taken many years to accumulate, and has come from various sources, in addition to the author's own reading and study. This reflects the fact that it is surely one of the most profound subjects that it is possible to contemplate; the glory and character of hte Almighty. Human understanding of this subject will always be incomplete whilst we are in this mortal state. But there is still much that is revealed in the inspired Word that it is possible, with humility and diligence, to seek out, discern, and understand. At he same time it must be acknowledged that it is impossible plumb the depths of this wonderful subject to its fullest extent.

Author: Richard B. Mellowes
Publisher: ACI Print Group
ISBN: 9780955099175
Date Published: 7/24/2023
Product Code:
Cover: Soft cover
Pages: 298
Size: 5.75 x 8.25
Year: 2016
Drawer: 129
Show me Thy glory
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