Dead Sea Scrolls in English, The USED

Dead Sea Scrolls in English, The USED

Qumran scrolls and as a handy introduction to organization, customs, history and beliefs of the community responsible for them. This third edition contains a major updating. In particular, three new opening chapters replace the previous ones, and a considerable amount of fresh material has been also added. Above all, readers are now offered in English the Temple Scroll, the most voluminous of all Quamran texts. This book offers reliable, direct access to these fascinating documents and to act as an authoritative guide for scholars, students and educated laymen interested in ancient Judaism and nascent Christianity.
Author: G Vermes
Publisher: Pelican
Date Published: 4/17/2008
Product Code: U711111
Cover: Soft
Pages: 258
Size: 4.5 x 7 inches
Year: 1970
Dead Sea Scrolls in English, The     USED
$5.50 ea qty

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