Quenching Fiery Darts: Ephesians

Quenching Fiery Darts: Ephesians

and it is not the intnetion of these notes to add to the list. However, valuable lessons can be learned from a "longitudinal study" - so to speak. To see an ecclesia from its inception to its demise, the circumstances of its fouding: to read the exhortation addressed to the ecclesia in Acts, the Epistle, and the Revelation.

Quenching the fiery darts" is an expression which had primary reference to the nature of the opposition ot the hpreaching of the gospel at Ephesus, but it is full of meaning and relevance for today. The spiritual soldier must be equipped . . .
Author: Ron Abel
Publisher: CSN
Date Published: 12/19/2002
Product Code: NT10050
Cover: stapled
Pages: 103
Size: 8.5 x 11
Year: 1981
Drawer: 221
Quenching Fiery Darts: Ephesians
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